Hope Story: Katie



“A few days after my husband walked out, I remember someone asked me what I was going to do.  My answer was, “Stand on God’s promises”. I believed that I was a daughter of a good and faithful Father and now was His time to shine. I wrote out all His promises. And true to His word, He became my Provider and Protector. He was and still is, in every detail of my life. It is so obvious that He has gone before me and carries me through.

When I had nothing, God became my everything. And I realized God is enough. I think for anyone walking through such a dark valley, it’s important to remember, it won’t always be like this. Grieve with God, take all your sorrows to Him and He will heal your heart. And over time you will begin to see some light and He will turn your sorrow to joy. Because if you have Jesus, you have everything you need.”

Christy JonesHope Story