Hope Stories

Many women walking through betrayal trauma feel alone and long for someone who’s been there before to speak hope into the pain and confusion.

One of the beautiful privileges we have here at The Guest House Project is tenderly hearing and holding these stories; to see how God, in His endless compassion, makes a way for healing.

We know how powerful a fragrance hope can be, and so, this Fall we are thrilled to begin filling this space with “Hope Stories” here on the blog. Stories from real women who have walked this road and found that God is very present in suffering.

While these stories each have the thread of betrayal and trauma running through them, they are not intended to reveal details of the circumstances. We have simply asked our guests to answer two questions: “How did God meet you in that dark pain?“ and “What would you share with someone else on this journey?”

Some things to know: While some stories will be shared anonymously, others are comfortable sharing their identity. It takes huge courage to put our pain on paper and so we ask for much tenderness towards those sharing and grace in responding.

We pray their stories bring you some hope for healing in whatever pain you are enduring.
Courage, dear hearts, you are not alone!

Christy Jones